January 23, 2017
Hello 2017! I've been a little neglectful sharing my monthly favorites, but with the new year comes a renewed commitment to the blog.
Watch: I got wrapped up in Black Mirror (Netlfix) over the holidays. Each episode is its own standalone episode exploring "techno-paranoia." What is the dark side of the technology that controls many aspects of our life?
Listen (Music): Every year I create a playlist of my favorite songs from the year. Here's my favorite songs from 2016 (opens in Spotify).
Listen (Podcast): I don't know how I had never listened to Reveal before until about a month ago - it's amazing! The podcast, from the Center for Investigative Reporting, is much like a piece of longform journalism. Each episode explores an issue in depth and from multiple perspectives.
Read: I usually like to juggle one non-fiction book and one fiction book at the same time. I just wrapped up The Case Against Sugar by Gary Taubes and The Dollhouse by Fiona Davis. Taubes' latest work is an extremely well-researched and fascinating read that tracks the rise of the sugar industry, the impact it has had on our health over the years, and how the industry has attempted to influence nutritional science and government programs. The Dollhouse is a lighter read that alternates between the Barbizon Hotel for Women in the 1950's and the present day. Part murder mystery, part gender study.
Follow: I love love love @urbanjungleblog. So much lovely plants and greenery spotted in beautiful nooks.
Shop: When I moved to Colorado almost two years ago, I pretty much had to overhaul my skincare routine given the change in climate and altitude from my former home of Austin. Over the past year, I've given even more thought to the products I use and, through much research, have begun replacing many items in my daily routine with organic or plant-based ones. I won't go into all of the details behind why I replaced each product (you can read more about that here and here), but wanted to share some of my favorites since many are from more obscure brands. I've always had fairly normal skin, but I must admit since switching to organic and natural products, my skin has been in the best shape ever. Favorites include:
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